Southern Sierra Research Station Cuckoo Training (Registration Closed)
The Workshop is now full and we are starting a “Wait-List”. If someone is not able to attend the workshop, it creates an opening then we add someone from the wait-list. If enough people sign up for the wait-list, there is the possibility to have a second field day for the wait-list group. Please email: Michelle(at) to get on the waitlist.
July 16 (online presentation) & July 18 (field day) in Weldon, CA
Cost: $250
Currently Enrolled Full-Time Students in College or Graduate School are elligible for a reduced student price of $150. Please use the “Contact Us” link for access to this special pricing.
Space is limited to 20 registrants. Once filled we will have a waiting list.
Questions: Contact Us!
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Workshop | Southern Sierra Research Station
Once you have registered!
Please review the survey protocols, survey forms and Yellow-billed Cuckoo vocalizations. Bring a copy of the protocols and review it before the workshop, so that we may answer any questions. Please download and listen to the Yellow-billed Cuckoo vocalizations to become familiar with them prior to the workshop.
Workshop Materials
Cuckoo Survey Protocol Halterman et al.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo vocalizations
Day 1: 1pm to 5pm online presentation over Zoom. Presentation topics will include: distribution and Status, habitat preferences, breeding ecology, and survey protocol.
Workshop Presentation Link: To be added at a later date
Day 2: 6am to 10am. We will meet at at the Audubon Kern River Preserve Headquarters.
In July, the daytime temperatures are typically in the 90s and the nighttime temperature is in the 60s or 70s. Please be prepared for both hot and cold temperatures. Also, bring the following gear with you to the workshop: notepad, pen, binoculars, hiking boots, sunscreen and mosquito repellent. Coffee, tea, water, soda and snacks will be provided during the workshop To help reduce waste, please bring a water bottle and coffee mug.
For more information about the Kern River Valley Yellow-billed Cuckoo workshop please use the “Contact Us” link on the website. Thank you!