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Working Group Spring Meeting - 2022 (Virtual)

The meeting will highlight:

  • Yellow-billed Cuckoo trainings taking place this year;

  • The 2022 Yellow-billed Cuckoo US-rangewide surveys;

  • Exciting progress made in cuckoo science, conservation, recovery, and funding by federal, state, non-profit, and private biologists; and

  • Continuing efforts by the Steering Committee to 1) formalize the working group, 2) address priority action items, 3) engage working group members, and 4) plan for the Fall 2022 Meeting.

Links to First Two Talks:

Hira Walker: Ideas for Moving the Working Group Forward

Rob Clay: Cuckoos and Deforestation in the Paraguayan Chaco

Links to the Remainder of Meeting:

Committee Updates, Action Plan, Permits & Trainings, US West-wide Surveys, and Topics for the Fall 2022 Meeting

This is an almost 3 hour and 10 min video. To navigate to specific talks, hover your cursor over the timeline to see the chapter titles and breaks. Updates on subcommittee progress on priority action items are presented from the start of the video until 1:35:52, followed by four presentations and a final Q&A. Here are the approximate start times for each presentation:

0:00        Jay Carlisle, C. Wise, L. Douglas, P. Wohner, & S. Prager – Update: Restoration one-pager

9:58        Murrelet Halterman, J. Stanek, & A. Petry – Update: Cuckoo survey form and data revisions

15:52      Kristen Dillon – Update: Centralized cuckoo database

24:19      Shannon McNeil – Update: Grants for restoration work

36:33      Callie Stanley – Update: Full-life cycle model and how you can help

43:27      Mary Whitfield – Update: Bird genoscape for cuckoos

46.22      Linnea Hall (B. Orr & H. Walker filling in) – Update: Information-gathering on pesticide effects

52:55      Patti Wohner – Update: Special issue publication on research to inform cuckoo conservation

56:18      Cathy Wise, E. Juarez, & C. Stanley – Update: Southern Wings project on Gran Chaco

1:08:06   Jim Hatten, M. Johnson, & J. Holmes – Update: Application of a cuckoo habitat model rangewide

1:35:52   Jay Carlisle – Subcommittees and action items

2:18:23   Jenny Davis – Cuckoo workshops taking place this year

2:27:41   Edwin Juarez – The 2022 rangewide surveys and how you can help

2:45:45   Jenna Stanek – Looking ahead to the Fall 2022 Working Group Meeting

3:03:22   Moderator – Concluding remarks and Q&A from the working group

This meeting is a collaborative effort between the Yellow-billed Cuckoo Working Group and the Pajarito Environmental Education Center

November 16

Road to Recovery: Yellow-billed Symposium - 2021

September 7

Steering Committee Meeting